Sam, Tom, Zach and Dali make horrible E3 predictions! Final Fantasy VII?! God of War VR? More Zelda! The team is drunk with power!
NBA Playgrounds review: Game, blouses
I was Charlie Murphy.
Snake Pass Review: One Mighty Python
Proof that a single mechanic can lead to an incredible experience
Yoku’s Island Express spins its way onto PS4, Xbox One and Switch
A lot of ideas, but also a lot of promise.
Drive!Drive!Drive! review: Split second personality
A fast game with fast decisions
The Last Guardian gives us its last trailer before release
Oh my gods, it’s actually happening
Jotun Valhalla Edition console port review: Better with age
An expertly created indie gem gets better on the bigger screen
PlayStation Experience returns on December 3 & 4 in Anaheim
The annual fan event has been announced for a third year
Furi review: Patron saint of boss fights
We’re all better off when a neon space samurai is our spirit animal
Sony reveals the PS4 Pro, its most powerful console ever
Not the next gen, but a next gen
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