For every game that gets created, there are dozens that get put on the chopping block. Here are a few that didn’t quite make the cut.
Foursquare: Achievements in Real Life
Foursquare and LoseIt! are bringing Achievement-like goals to the real world.
OPP: The Freelancers
The Freelancers is a highly enjoyable podcast dealing with a topic that many journalists have often blown off: getting into games journalism.
Planes, Trains, and Video Games
Playing games on a plane is an interesting endeavor.
The Most Incredible CGI Video You’ll See This Year
A incredible short film made by one person… all in CGI.
The Top Ten Stories on SideQuesting in 2009
Our top stories from 2009!
Blip Festival 2009: Making Your Old-School GameBoy Relevant Again
A few months ago, I decided I wanted to start making electronic music. On an impulse, I went online and ordered a Theremin, an electronic instrument that creates sounds based on the manipulation of radio waves. The instrument ran me about $500. Flash forward three months later, and I’ve barely touched the thing (hidden pun there… you get it?). For all that, I could have just ordered a much cheaper instrument, like a $4.95 used classic Nintendo GameBoy.
Artist’s Resume Reads (and Looks) Like a Character Bio
Sean McNally is a 22 yr-old artist/designer living in Australia. Sean McNally likes gaming. Hence, Sean McNally has the best-designed resume EVER and should get hired quick. [via DeviantArt]
Video Game Porn Titles? (NSFW)
If video games were porn movies.
The Gaming Mustaches of Movember
Videogame characters have been growing moustaches for decades
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