What should all gamers accomplish in video games before they die?
Kickstart This: Republique
Help support one of the most interesting new games for mobile platforms.
The 2012 PAX East Thank You Post
This awesome music provided by JPHONIC!
#gamelottery The Video Game Lottery – What to do with all that scrilla
The Mega Millions could do a lot of good for games. Maybe.
My Ordeal with Syndicate; the Amazing and Unfortunate First-Person Shooter
Syndicate is freezing and I wish it wasn’t.
First Look: PlayStation Vita First Edition Bundle
We get our grubby mitts on a Vita, and make everyone in Kansas jealous.
Cool, creative uses for Swapnote on the Nintendo 3DS
The little app can be used to host contests, in self-promotion, or even as an RPG
Why is SOPA so bad for gamers?
SOPA and PIPA have been postponed, but gamers should still be concerned.
SideQuesting’s Game of the Year 2011: Portal 2
Quite simply put, Portal 2 was an easy selection for Game of the Year.
SideQuesting’s Best of 2011 #2: Saints Row: The Third
Not so serious, but so seriously fun!