It’s taken a long time, but we’ve finally made it.
SideQuesting’s Best of 2012 #2: XCOM: Enemy Unknown
This is, without question one of the best experiences to come out of 2012.
SideQuesting’s Best of 2012 #3: Journey
Evoking emotion without any text or dialogue speaks volumes about Journey.
SideQuesting’s Best of 2012 #4: Mass Effect 3
Fulfilling an important promise.
SideQuesting’s Best of 2012 #5: Dishonored
Steampunk meets Half-Life meets Victorian London meets Bioshock
SideQuesting’s Best of 2012 #6: Fez
This year, we fell in a deep, dark hole, where we studied cryptic architecture, discussed geometrical shapes, and scribbled ciphers made up of tetriminos on scrap paper. All in the name of Fez.
SideQuesting’s Best of 2012 #7: Spec Ops: The Line
Deep, dark decisions direct destructive developments
SideQuesting’s Best of 2012 #8: Far Cry 3
Combine a pretty well fleshed out villain with freedom to explore a huge island while messing with the enemies and it was easy for us to add Far Cry 3 to our list
SideQuesting’s Best of 2012 #9: Halo 4
343 Industries was able to make Halo 4 an exceptional entry in the venerable series, adding their flair while maintaining that Halo magic.
#12Games of Christmas: Update Two
GOTY contenders and frogs
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