If you say it loud enough you’ll always sound precocious — supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
DLC Deep Dive: The Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Review
Stormblood does well to prevent MMO burnout
Death Squared review: Friendship inside every box
The best version of the game so far
Hot Take: Gigantic
Gigantic is a monstrous and adeptly executed breath of fresh air in the hero shooter genre.
Hot Take: Princess Maker 3
To be a white knight.
Cars 3 Driven To Win review: Let Me off This Wild Ride
If Cars 3 was a highway, I wouldn’t want to ride it all night long.
Valkyria Revolution Hot Take: Valkyria Stagnation
Tactical and real-time combat RPG fans may not find enough of either to be interested
Hot Take: Caveblazers
A randomly generated review.
Hot Take: Strikey Sisters
Breaking bricks and using tricks
Wreck-A-Mecha review: Novelty is core deep
Robot wars
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