Better Red than Dead
Rhythm Sprout review
Beat a path down a Low-Fi chill groove sidewalk
Yolked review
A silly game about an escaped egg with arms has us cracking up
Colossal Cave review
Spelunking is bad for your health
Power Chord review
We’re all wearing the cover band t-shirt
Shoulders of Giants review
On the shoulders of unbalanced giants
Hot Take: Dread Templar
With a focused mix of weapons, shotguns, magic and myths, Dread Templar is a great addition to the boomer shooter genre.
Comic book review: White Savior
A satirical take on the Last Samurai trope deals a strong hand in this limited series
Ys IX: Monstrum Nox Hot Take
Ys it good? Yes it is!
Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider review
16-bit nostalgia done right
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