Gigantic is looking to keep things accessible while also offering advanced play for those looking for it.
Paws-on with Catlateral Damage: A meowschief maker is born [PAX East]
I had trouble finding cat puns, but only because the premise is already purrfect.
Hands-on with Severed: Slice-and-Dice Fun [PAX East]
Severed looks like it may be a cut above other PS Vita games.
Hands-on with Pollen [PAX EAST]
An abandoned space station is a suitable place for a tense situation
SideQuesting announces its PAX East 2015 Team Choice Awards!
We had a hard time narrowing it down to ten games, but these stole the show for us
Runbow is nine player sidescrolling colorful chaos on the Wii U [PAX East]
All of the world’s colors are in this game, and what seemed like all of the world’s gamers were playing it, too.
An Interview with The Behemoth’s Ryan Horn [PAX East]
Robyn chats with The Behemoth’s Ryan Horn about level design, gameplay mechanics, and new features in Game 4.
Hands on Toto Temple Deluxe!: Chasing Goats [PAX East]
The GOATest Of All Time
Hands-on with Jotun [PAX East]
Saturday Morning Vikings?
Icing on the Cupcake: Hands-on with The Behemoth’s Game 4 [PAX East]
Game 4 is slightly insane and insanely fun.
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