My friends want to party all the time
PAX East 2020 tickets now on sale
Going… GOING… (You know the rest)
Preview: Jumping into conclusions with Foregone
Maybe “sliding, slashing, shooting and *then* jumping to conclusions” is a better explanation.
Preview: Star Renegades goes all in with an eclectic mix of sci-fi ingredients
A little bit of everything in one mixing bowl of an experience
Preview: Crafting a love story with A Fold Apart
Love, crafted.
Preview: Creature in the Well, laser balls in my heart
Hack & slash action, classic Zelda, puzzle-filled dungeons, pinball, baseball, graphic novels, robots, lasers and luck all rolled into one game.
Preview: Running into buzzsaws with Super Meat Boy Forever
The meat of a Super Meat Boy game is the controls.
[PAX East 2019] Hands-on with Trover as he Saves the Universe
This is some messed up stuff right here.
SideQuesting’s Team Choice Awards for PAX East 2019
Team SQ gives out their awards for the VERY BEST of PAX East 2019!
The SideQuest March 30, 2019: LIVE from PAX East 2019
LIVE from PAX East, and we’re giving you the WHAT’S WHAT about our favorite games of the show!
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