Help support Justin’s Kickstarter drive to print these great gaming-inspired posters!
#FreeStuffFriday: PAX Swag Edition
Some fantastic #FreeStuffFriday loot!
Survey Says: Alcohol and Gaming
Playing video games socially is something that we’re all more than likely familiar with: invite friends over, have a few beers, play some Rock Band. Many of us might also grab a drink when playing Madden or when grinding in Dragon Age. What may not be known, though, is if alcohol consumption really is as common an occurrence among gaming sessions as we’d like to think it is.
The Big PAX Thank You Post
The SideQuesting team met our fair share of incredible people at PAX East. Some we have known for years, some we’ve met for the first time, and some we never thought we’d have the opportunity to. This post is a big, giant “THANK YOU” to all of those people who made our time together wonderful.
The SideQuest GOTY
It’s been a long road. The smashing year 2009 came and went, and now here we are: choosing our favorites of the year. After a long month of arguing, fist fights, high fives, and liquor, we’ve come to the conclusion that we all have some pretty varied tastes here at the ‘Quest. We’ve managed to…
Planes, Trains, and Video Games
Playing games on a plane is an interesting endeavor.
#FreeStuffFriday… on a Monday!
The kind folks over at Cocky Culture have donated a few splendid BlackBerry themes for us to give out to our community this week.
#FreeStuffFriday: Black Friday Edition
We’re giving away Forza 2 & PGR 3 for #FreeStuffFriday on #BlackFriday!
#FreeStuffFriday: Modern Warfare 2 T-Shirt
Win a new Call of Duty t-shirt!
#FreeStuffFriday! Zack & Wiki and MGS 2!
Win Zack & Wiki and Metal Gear Solid 2!
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