#FF for our newest BFF
#Gamechat: The Downfall of Music Games
This week’s Twitter topic: Is the music game genre dead?
Our Favorite Xbox 360 Fancast Meetup
I figured Team SideQuesting would announce the PAX East 2011 live podcast of our favorite Xbox 360 podcast, since the Joystiq site didn’t have time to promote the show. The entire SideQuesting crew will be at the show Saturday night and we hope to meet up with everyone. The Xbox 360 Fancast will host their live podcast Saturday night at 8…
#FreeStuffFriday: LEGO Universe (PC/MAC)
If you could build anything out of LEGOs, what would it be?
Follow Friday: Ben Kuchera (@benkuchera)
#FF for our newest BFF
#Gamechat: Video Game Music Remixes
What are your favorite mixes & artists? What would you suggest to someone new to the genre?
#FreeStuffFriday: James Bond 007: Blood Stone (Xbox 360)
Up for grabs this week is James Bond 007: Blood Stone. You too can decide if you want it shaken or stirred, if you’re selected as the winner of this week’s #FreeStuffFriday. Leave a comment below telling us who is your favorite Bond girl. One entry per person. A winner will be randomly selected on Monday (2/7)…
Giveaway: iPhone/iPad Bonanza & Humble Indie Bundle
An awesome, charitable prize!
Giveaway: TellTale Games 3-Pack (iOS)
Wallace & Gromit, Puzzle Agent, and Sam & Max!
Giveaway: Sega Bonanza (iOS)
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