Over the months I’ve been exposed to bits and pieces of the television show Archer, but what little I had seen didn’t seem appealing. When it comes to comedy of any kind I tend to have very specific tastes, and often don’t wind up liking what everybody else seems to like. This past week was…
TVQuesting: Downton Abbey
My grandmother has been watching British television for as long as I can remember. Her show of choice is, and has always been Coronation Street. She knows the characters and even has a massive book detailing the history of the show; a show that has been running for over fifty years has quite a bit…
TVQuesting: Build a Better Show
The formula itself for most television hasn’t changed all that much. It’s starting to, but it’s only creeping forward a small bit at a time.
TVQuesting: So, Alcatraz
It’s a show about several strangers, a mysterious island, science, religion, and is TOTALLY NEW WE PROMISE.
TVQuesting: Pirates Are Pretty Pimp
Arrrrrrr you ready for some great TV?
SideQuesting’s Best of 2011 #5: Bastion
Beautiful in visuals, audio, and experience.
TVQuesting: On Comedies
Comedies have apparently gotten a lot better in the last few years. They’re the one genre of television show I tend not to go back and re-watch at some point; they’re almost never plot heavy and the highlights are often quotable material, so re-watching them isn’t often necessary. Unfortunately I found myself watching old episodes…
TVQuesting: New Year, Same Shows
So it’s 2012. It’s a fresh new year and that means fresh new television shows all geared up to blow your socks right into orbit, right? Well, kind of.
TVQuesting: Ho-Ho Holy Crap It’s the Holidays
A look at the Doctor Who, Eureka, Haven, and other sci-fi Christmas specials!
Review: Anno 2070
It’s a game that makes you want to reclassify other titles as real time action-strategy, and leave the real time strategy for games of its ilk.
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