It would seem Konami that pretty much everybody thought their press conferences were bad. Like, famously bad. This year their entire Pre-E3 Event was compiled of pre-recorded segments over the course of 55 minutes, and while it did wonders for removing the bad it also seemed to remove that little something we came to expect…
Space Pirates and Zombies Preview
There’s a part of the video game portion of my brain that used to be dedicated solely to the notion that, in order to progress further and with relative ease, I must grind out experience, abilities, magic, money, or whatever else I needed. As I’ve gotten older this notion has slowly been eroded away into…
SPAZ Beta Open for Purchase, Devours our Time
Are you a fan of action games set in space? We sure are. That’s why our toes got all tingly when we heard there was a new top-down mashup of all the best elements from a variety of genres coming from a 2-man team. Space Pirates and Zombies, colloquially known as SPAZ, is following the…
Preview: Age of Empires Online: My Big Fat Greek Empire
A well-made torch-carrier to the Age name.
New League of Legends Patcher Available to Public
Members of the League of Legends community have been awash in discussion about how the game will be improving thanks to the recent investment into Riot Games by Chinese company Tencent. Whether or not the new patcher is a direct result of the investment or was indirectly expedited because of it, it has officially moved…
The Weekend Report: PAX Pox Edition
Spring is just around the corner, and I feel great. Fresh air in my lungs, the sun is shining almost every day. Wait, what’s that? A bunch of you guys who went to PAX wound up with a mean case of the PAX pox? Man, that sucks. It really does. But let’s look at it…
The Evening Report: Big in Korea Edition
Back in high school I was friends with some people that were in a band. They were pretty good, but the whole band thing was just something they did; they had no aspirations of becoming a legitimate thing once they graduated. The year after most of them graduated the bassist took a trip to South…
The Evening Report: Canadian Takeover Edition
Hah! You all think you’re so great, being at PAX East and having fun, playing games, seeing live podcasts and panels. I bet you think you’re having the time of your life down there with all your friends and peers. Well I’m still here, writing up this Evening Report. It’s all mine. I can cover…
SideQuesting’s (not attending) PAX East 2011 Survival Guide
With PAX East once again gearing up to summon the tens of thousands of loyal subjects back to its breast, earlier this week we here at SideQuesting felt it imperative to provide you, the reader, with some handy tips and tricks to survive the entire ordeal. However, there is a tiny portion of the population…
The Evening Report: Found Makarov Edition
There was more news than just Nintendo and Apple: a Call of Duty movie, a new project from Minecraft creators, and the glorious Battlefield 3 debuts.
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