The show is hijacked by J.J. and Taylor this week, and it’s surprisingly better for it?
Review: Kaiju Wars
J.J. tells us why it’s so much fun being the Mayor of Kaiju City.
Review: Biomotor Unitron
Mixing robots with capture gameplay seems like a slam dunk, but J.J. explains why the game’s loop lacks the depth necessary to motor on.
Hands-on Preview: WrestleQuest
WrestleQuest is a wild combination of ideas
Review: Taito Milestones
We take a long look at a collection of classic (and possibly obscure) Taito arcade games, and determine if it’s worth your time.
Hands-On Preview: Melon Journey Bittersweet Memories
We go hands on with the cheerful, retro-infused town sim from Froach and XSEED
Hands-On Preview: TMNT Shredder’s Revenge
Growing up in a glass bowl with chameleons, lizards, and tadpoles. It hardly enters your mind that there’s something better than this.
Big Bang Pro Wrestling (Review)
The newest old SNK game continues the trend of great ports.
Review: Dying Light 2
A fun game marred by poor design decisions
Review: Card Fighters Clash – SNK vs Capcom
The quintessential NEO GEO Pocket Color game finally makes a return.
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