Brand new Shinobi game, Art of Vengeance, announced

Brand new Shinobi game, Art of Vengeance, announced

Hack and slash and jump across 2D world in Shinobi’s return

It’s been AGES since a proper new Shinobi game graced our gaming platforms, but we will wait no longer. Shinobi: Art of Vengeance has been announced at Sony’s State of Play today, developed by LizardCube (the Streets of Rage 4 devs) for SEGA, and it looks bodacious.

The hand-drawn 2D visuals look fantastic, especially across beautiful backdrops and wild explosions of power and color and NEON. It definitely looks like a modernized Shinobi, and that means great things, especially given the pedigree of the dev team behind it.

Shinobi: Art of Vengeance arrives August 29 for all PS4/PS5, Switch, Xbox Series and PC.