Breachway is a roguelike deckbuilder that’s as forward as it can get.

We start with one of two ships, with more to unlock when you complete certain objectives, each with its own beginning weapon mount, shield abilities, and support. The one thing we would need to keep an eye on in the upper right-hand side of the screen are the four factions: Solarii, Starkin, Free-Roamers, and Deadweights. It comes into play when entering the game. Once we pick which ship we want, we will be welcomed with the overall star map. From there that’s when the game starts.

As you can see almost every node has the same colors as the four functions in the upper right corner. The higher the bar the better our status with that faction. It makes things interesting when navigating the star map because we have to balance who we’re friendly with and who we’re on the bad side of.
While I am not a big fan of roguelike games, I do enjoy Breachway mainly because of the space setting and card game mechanics. Navigating through a space chart can be challenging depending on the ship we pick. Is it a bit on the slow side in terms of combat and getting through the map? Yeah, it can be. But at least we won’t be as stressed out as we would with Hades and Curse of the Dead Gods.

Is it worth the price? If you like space and collecting cards, then yes. Is it worth at least playing the demo? Most definitely.
This Hot Take was based on a Steam code sent to SideQuesting by the publisher/PR.
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