Tanuki: Pon’s Summer is a cozy BMX mail adventure

Tanuki: Pon’s Summer is a cozy BMX mail adventure

Slow ride, take it easy, chill out and deliver that letter

Developers Denkiworks are no strangers to interesting video game ideas. Its founders include Liam Edwards, Jan de Graaf and Taku Arioka and helped create some of our favorite recent games like Cursed to Golf (which I’m STILL playing regularly, by the way). Now they’ve turned their sights onto a more cozy (cosy?) game in Tanuki: Pon’s Summer, a project that stars seemingly the sole anthropomorphic animal in a quaint Japanese town as its post officer. And it looks just greaaaaaat.

As Pon, we ride a bike around town delivering its mail, all while doing BMX-like tricks on rails and causing a little mischief — and the rest of the citizens love it. At least, that’s what we think, based on the trailer. Heck, how could we *NOT* love this portly little thing? Just look at it being all cute, riding its bike and OH DANG A BAD ASS TRICK ON A RAIL and all that.

There’s no release date yet, but eventually Tanuki: Pon’s Adventure will land on XBox, Switch and PC.