Gearbox and 2K quickly announce Borderlands 4 to make us forget about the movie

Gearbox and 2K quickly announce Borderlands 4 to make us forget about the movie

A new Borderlands? In THIS economy?

Wow, it’s been ages since we heard anything new about Borderlands. Does anyone remember that IP? No? Nothing has come out in the series in a long time. Not movie. Nosiree.

Surprise! Borderlands 4 is here to remind you about the series!

Now, we don’t know what tyhe actual course of events was here. Was B4 always going to be announced at gamescom’s Opening Night Live? Was it’s announcement a reaction to the ABYSMAL returns on the movie? It was likely going to be announced at some point soon, at least depending on how you feel about the almost stock-video feel of the teaser above, but here we are anyways. A new game.

Borderlands 2 is beloved, B3 not as much, but the Tales games are great. Right now the game is tracking for a 2025 release on PS5, Xbox Series, and PC, and hopefully we get to see what it actually looks like soon enough.