It’s RPG season with Mario & Luigi: Brothership

It’s RPG season with Mario & Luigi: Brothership

The bros are back in town

It’s a remake heavy 12 months for Nintendo, one that has already birthed Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. So, when the first game trailer began during today’s Nintendo Direct we thought, “oh, another one, this time it’s Mario & Luigi.” But it’s not a remake, it’s a brand new game! Egg on our face!

Mario & Luigi: Brothership (what an amazing title) takes the once portable-only series and finally brings it to a console. The game will feature the same type of gameplay that fans of the series are familiar with: it’s a turn-based RPG that utilizes a timing action system, registering hits and effects if the players tap a button at just the right time.

The story takes place with the brothers traversing across several islands, and will include some lite adventuring sequences BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT MARIO IS. It’s also adopting a much more cel-shaded look, too, to help it stand out from its predecessors (and perhaps the other Mario RPGs that launched this year).

It’s (another) Mario RPG, and it’s coming November 7, 2024 exclusively to Switch.