Dragon Quest III HD-2D is still alive

Dragon Quest III HD-2D is still alive

Square Enix confirms the game still exists, but doesn’t say much

Originally announced in 2021, Dragon Quest III HD-2D has remained shrouded in mystery, blacked out and in silence, with no peeps about the project since.

Well, today is Dragon Quest Day in Japan, celebrating the launch of the original DQ game so many moons ago, and the company took to social media to acknowledge the project is still alive.

“The Legend Begins” is all we’re getting, alongside a new emblem and confirmation that the game will launch on Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, and PC… at some point.

And that’s it! Nothing else.

DQIII is one of the biggest early RPGs, spanning a deep class and hiring system alongside a sprawling world and ties to all of the Dragon Quest games before it. It’s the earliest point in the Erdrick saga, and a move to HD-2D is leaving us excited.

But for how long?


Please hurry up, Square Enix. There aren’t many other classic RPGs on the radar at the moment.