Saturday Morning Cartoons: Detective Pikachu & the Mystery of the Missing Flan

Saturday Morning Cartoons: Detective Pikachu & the Mystery of the Missing Flan

The cranky detective is back

Listen, I’m sure you’ve probably all experienced this: You get up in the morning, tired from your long night of solving crimes, your fur is sweaty, you’re cranky, and you just want your coffee and flan.

But wait, you can check all of the boxes except for the flan, because the flan is missing! How many times has that happened to you? Seven? Twenty-five? Probably more? We know the drill, and so does Detective Pikachu, because in the latest short for the Pokemon spin-off the COP is going through it this morning. GOING THROUGH IT.

My dude just wants his flan.

Watch the short above, and like reliving video gaming show nostalgia? Check out our entire catalog ofย Saturday Morning Cartoon recommendations.