I spy with my little eye, a SPACE ANOMALY
It may look like another take in the “find an item in a picture” genre, but Crime O’Clock provides much more of a narrative puzzle-solving experience than one would imagine. We may start with a static image, but we’re tasked with moving forward and backward in time, zooming in and out of little situations that we find, and linking all of it together. This is a whodunnit through and through, and the only way we can solve the big “problem” is by fixing the little ones, which often include some intriguing mini games.
Crime O’Clock is a fun experience, with great visuals, great characters, and often silly situations that we have to solve. It’s a cool idea for a game, and it plays really well. And hey, there’s even a Guns ‘N Roses reference, so that’s always awesome.
This review is based on a Steam code sent to SideQuesting by the publisher. This video first appeared on The SideQuest Live for July 30th.
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