The answer is “Hell Yes”
There’s no question we need to ask. The answer is simply “HELL YES” because can you just look at this debut trailer? Holy crap!
The Plucky Squire, the first game from developer All Possible Futures, looks to be a wildly charming concept. The game stars Jot, a hero in a storybook who goes on retro-themed adventures reminiscent of classic NES games like Zelda, Duck Hunt, and even Punch-Out.
As he makes his way through the story, and the book’s villain realizes he’s the bad guy, Jot is suddenly kicked out of the 2D world into the 3D environs around it and must make his way back. That jump from 2D to 3D seems to happen several times, requiring Jot to utilize his classic repertoire in new ways to survive.
It really does look absolutely like our idea of a good time, especially for those of us who are still somewhat tied to gaming eras of yore. The Plucky Squire might deliver on the premise, as the team behind it has serious development chops, including James Turner, artist on several modern Pokemon games.
It’s currently scheduled to arrive in 2023 to Nintendo’s Switch, Xbox, PlayStation, and PC platforms.
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