GUN JAM looks like it’s going to scratch an itch I didn’t remember I had

GUN JAM looks like it’s going to scratch an itch I didn’t remember I had

FPS meets rhythm is a combo we might need more of

I don’t know if it’s the finger-snapping or the “PERFECT” scoring pop-ups, or maybe even the beat itself, but the musical side of Jaw Drop Games’ GUN JAM is really getting me into a mood. The game mixes first person shooting with rhythm matching, to a soundtrack that includes EDM and rock, as players need to escape a city overrun by seemingly hypnotized denizens.

However, it may be the players that are hypnotized because as the gameplay video above shows, it all just seems to flow together really nicely. Yeah, we have the added necessity of needing to run around and aim, but if it all actually gels together as intended it might feel as good as the first time I nailed Through the Fire and Flames in Guitar Hero. That satisfying feeling, man. So good.

It’s been a while since I had that feeling, so maybe GUN JAM will hit that note.

Puin severely intended.

GUN JAM doesn’t have a release date yet.