Pixar drops the first delightful trailer for Lightyear

Pixar drops the first delightful trailer for Lightyear

Buzz Lightyear’s origin looks real, real good

In fact, it looks better than it has any right to. Lightyear, that is — Pixar’s Buzz Lightyear origin story. The animated film will serve as sort of a prequel/side story to Toy Story, and chronicle the travels of one Buzz as he leaves Earth to head to space and alien planets.

The level of Inception in this is wild, when you think about it. This is a movie about a movie about the toy in a movie about toys. It stars Chris Evans (not Tim Allen this time) as the hero. Tim Allen voices the TOY about the movie, duh.

It’ll land in theaters in Summer 2022 to warp time, space, and our minds.