Bring out your BINGO cards!
Team SideQuesting has been working feverishly to make our crazy predictions for the upcoming all-digital E3, but instead of just listening to the shows (which you should!) we’ve compiled the list below for everyone to tear into us.
Without further ado, let’s take a look at how bad our guesses are!
Taylor Bliss
- Gameplay footage of a new Zelda game, not necessarily BOTW2
- Microsoft will talk A LOT about Game Pass, with at least 2 sizzle reels
- Starfield trailer, but no extended gameplay
- Wild Prediction: Microsoft shows a lot of Sony IP coming to Game Pass
- Wild Prediction: Sony may have some event during the next week & a half
JJ Holder
- Nintendo “art style” game, like Kirby’s Epic Yarn
- io Interactive’s new James Bond game
- Quake something
- Wild Prediction: Sony bringing MGS IV to PS5
- Wild Prediction: Sony buys Silent Hill franchise
Sam Dixon
- Sunset Overdrive news
- Kid Icarus Uprising remake for Switch
- Crash Bandicoot in Smash
- Nintendo Online getting GameBoy Advance games
- Wild Prediction: Kojima is making a game for Nintendo
Zach Quest
- Mother 3 (or other Mother news)
- FFVII Remake coming to Game Pass and/or PC
- Dragon’s Dogma 2
- Breath of the Wild 2 is based in the Underworld, may be more Souls-like, action, different than BOTW
- Wild Prediction: Bayonetta 3 maybe isn’t being made by PlatinumGames any more
Dali Dimovski
- Guardians of the Galaxy game announced
- The next Netherrealm fighting game revealed. Injustice 3? Remake of other Mortal Kombat game?
- Donkey Kong game
- (Super) Nintendo Land coming to Switch
- Wild Prediction: Switch Pro news?
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