The dark action RPG aims to possess a few platforms
Mortal Shell, the Cold Symmetry-developed “Souls-like” game that we’ve been covering over the last several months, now has a release date: August 18.

Shell features gameplay that tasks players with switching out the “shells” of fallen gods, sort of like a reverse possession, allowing for unique abilities that can help (or hinder) in various situations. The release date follows a beta in which over 350,000 players tested their mettle against bosses and beasts.

Featured in the date announcement trailer is a brand new piece of gear to the game: the Ballistazooka, a ranged weapon that can launch iron bolts at enemies, pinning them to walls and structures.

Mortal Shell launches for PS4, Xbox One and Epic Games Store at $29.99 on August 18th. Check out a few more images in our gallery bellow.

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