A wonderful collection befitting of a wonderful man
A book collecting several works from the late President of Nintendo Satoru Iwata has been revealed. Collected and published by Hobonichi, which is a media company founded by Earthbound‘s Shigesato Itoi, the book will showcase several aspects of Iwata’s life, from the Iwata Asks interviews he did for Nintendo’s website, to works from other notable Nintendo figureheads (like Shigeru Miyamoto).
The book will serve as a celebration of the man, whom many attribute Nintendo’s modern success to, even during the Wii U debacle. Iwata was a beloved figurehead, keeping the company afloat during some of its most challenging times, and kicking off the development of the uber-popular Nintendo Switch.
The book is currently being created for Japan, with no Western/translated release announced.
Source: NintendoLife
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