E3: Bethesda shows off new DOOM Eternal trailer and gameplay

E3: Bethesda shows off new DOOM Eternal trailer and gameplay

More like BOOM Eternal, amirite?

We all know what DOOM is: guns, chainsaws, shotguns, demons and explosions. Sometimes you go to the moon, and sometimes you go to Hell. Sometimes you just hang around Earth.

Whatever the environment is, the new trailer for DOOM Eternal will make it look more gruesome and action filled than ever. At its E3 press conference tonight, Bethesda showed us the newest trailer and gameplay for the game. Featuring familiar monsters, new enemies, and astonishing new ways to kill them all, the next DOOM looks pretty detailed and deranged.

In a good way.

The game will also include a brand new way to play multilayer as well, in what the developer is calling Battlemode. The mode will let 1 fully loaded slayer take on 2 fully monstrous demons. The player-controlled demons can even summon more AI-controlled demons to help.

DOOM Eternal launches November 22 for Xbox One, PS4, Switch and PC.