E3 2018: EA reveals Unravel Two, launches today

E3 2018: EA reveals Unravel Two, launches today

Yarny is back, as Electronic Arts reveals Unravel Two at its EA Play E3 press conference.

The game, revealed at today’s event, focuses on two Yarnys (Yarnies?) as they take on puzzles together. The game encourages players to play in co-op when possible, but will work with just a single player as well. When playing alone, Yarny will pick up its blue clone, spin it around onto it, and carry him forward. To solve the game’s many puzzles, Yarny can split in two, and players can flip back and forth between which Yarny they control, especially when a chicken tries to pick at the yarn.

The game promises to be friendlier, but also more challenging. And, it’s available right now. EA announced that Unravel Two launches immediately for download across digital platforms.