Just a couple of days have passed after the biggest game of the NFL year, or as we all remember it: “Nintendo showcasing to the world what the Switch is all about.” It was a nice, short commercial. Meanwhile in Japan, they took the liberty to show what the Switch can do with three separate commercials, including Legend of Zelda: Breath of Wind, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon 2. All of the TV spots focus on the mobility and versatility of the Nintendo Switch.
Just like everyone else, my main concern is the battery life of the device and how long I can play a game when I am flying from one city to the next without having it constantly being plugged into an outlet.
When given the opportunity (and availability) I will pick up a Nintendo Switch for myself, and hopefully get full use of the system’s abilities. The Nintendo Switch is scheduled to release on March 3 for those lucky people who managed to pre-order the system. Just know that I really hate you.
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