Activision Blizzard gobbles up Candy Crush Saga and King for $5.9 Billion

Activision Blizzard gobbles up Candy Crush Saga and King for $5.9 Billion

“If you can’t beat’em, buy’em.”

That’s essentially the mantra of modern business. Ours is an era of two kinds of companies — innovative and rich — with the innovative hoping to become rich through sales or purchase. The latest to do so in the gaming space is mega corporation Activision Blizzard (Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, Hearthstone) intending to purchase upstart mobile developer King Digital Entertainment (Candy Crush Saga).


“Upstart” may be putting it mildly. Announced last night, King’s sale goes for $5.9 Billion at $18/share and will be finalized in Spring 2016. The mobile developer put the exclamation point onto free-to-play games with the biggest franchise in mobile gaming, Candy Crush Saga, and the incredible amount of sales it does from in-app purchases. Though Activision Blizzard already has a significant mobile presence, the King acquisition will bolster its portfolio, extending the reach to now include not only the most hardcore but also the most casual of gamers.

It’s the full spectrum of gaming. That’s the Holy Grail.

Though many might believe King and Candy Crush Saga might be on the downward roll of a bell curve, the reach onto accounts and membership that the purchase provides might be enough to warrant the purchase.

And here I am, still stuck at level 95.