E3 2015: Final Fantasy VII remake is officially coming

E3 2015: Final Fantasy VII remake is officially coming

Is this really happening? Can this Playstation press event at E3 2015 give any more fan service? Sony may have just dropped the biggest microphone of all by announcing the Final Fantasy VII remake that all of us have been asking about for decades. TWENTY YEARS. And now it’s actually happening.

It’s a straight up remake of the game in glorious HD, and probably featuring untold numbers of enhancements. None of that needed to be revealed, as the words FINAL FANTASY VII REMADE is all that was needed.

Am I being too happy? Too cheerful? Probably. But this is terrific news for fans of the series, and fans of one of the most sought-after games in existence.

The game will be coming to PS4 first in 2016, which translates to “will be multiplatform at some point”.

Watch the trailer below and just be happy for a change, will ya?