E3 2014: Mario vs. Donkey Kong announced for Wii U

E3 2014: Mario vs. Donkey Kong announced for Wii U

A lot of titles was announced during Nintendo’s E3 Press Conference Digital Event, and it was inevitable that there were some that were left out. One of those titles is Mario vs. Donkey Kong (working title) for the Wii U.

A quick description of the game.

The Mario vs. Donkey Kong series makes its way to Wii U with the newest game in the charming puzzle series. This HD entry takes full advantage of the touch screen on the GamePad controller and features a near-limitless puzzle-creation mode.

Features that will be included in the game.

  • Help Minis – toy versions of Nintendo characters – reach a goal by using the touch screen on the Wii U GamePad controller to manipulate enemies and the environment.
  • Use wits and reflexes to complete more than 80 progressively challenging puzzles.
  • Create puzzles using the refined level-creation mode. These levels can be shared with and played by other people in the Miiverse community. People will be able to “Yeah” puzzles so the community can see which ones are the most creative and challenging.
  • Players can earn stars to unlock new level-creation tools, or use those stars to “tip” other players online to encourage them to create more fantastic levels. It’s a way for players to recognize and promote their favorite level creators.

For those that haven’t played the series, it’s a mix between Lemmings and toy robots, and I’m completely fine with that. Right now a tentative date for Mario vs. Donkey Kong is 2015.