With just a few short days away from the launch of the next Call of Duty, the now annual accompanying live action trailer has been released. Titled “Epic Night Out”, this year’s video focuses on four friends as they traverse the many locales of Call of Duty: Ghosts‘ campaign. Starting in Vegas, the foursome heads to space, races Jeeps across frozen tundras, and skydives off of skyscrapers, all while avoiding drones that actress Megan Fox shoots down.
I’ve always liked these trailers, whether they have Jonah Hill or Kobe Bryant, or more “traditional” gamers as the stars. They’ve been well directed over the years, and remained memorable.
Call of Duty: Ghosts launches on virtually everything this week on November 5. If you have an old toaster from 1987, it probably has Call of Duty launching for it too.
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