So, this has to be a little embarrassing. It seems Sony’s company stock has actually gone up almost since the announcement of the Xbox One. A quick glance of both companies’ stock prices shows an almost 9% increase for Sony, while Microsoft is actually seeing a sudden, noticeable dip of just under one percent at the time of this writing.

It’s not uncommon for a company’s stock to fluctuate around these announcements — the market is a very reactionary beast. Still, it’s not great for one’s confidence when the initial reveal of your next, great project actually causes people to literally put greater stock in your competitor. The real tale, however, will be told when we see where the two companies’ prices close at later today.
We’ll be sure to update with the closing prices when they become available.
[Source: Yahoo Finance — Sony, Microsoft]
[Update: As an addendum, there have been some strong indications that Sony could potentially spin off their entertainment division, which surely could have added to the positive bump. (via Bloomberg)]
[Update Two: Sony closed at 9.25% today, with an increase of 1.94 points. Meanwhile, Microsoft did rise up from their worst moment of the day, but not all the way, closing at a decrease of 0.23 points, or 0.66%.]
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