343 Industries’ Bonnie Ross took the stage at the Microsoft Xbox One unveiling today to unveil that the company is working with Steven Spielberg to bring a live action Halo series exclusively to Xbox One.
Yes, exclusively. As in it won’t be on TV or on Netflix or on your old old Xbox 360, but on the brand spanking new Xbox One’s network. No timetable was given, or any details about the plan. A pre-recorded video of Spielberg aired, where he noted how working on the project was going to be “an amazing opportunity to be at intersection of mythmaking and technology.”
A few things to note, however.
1) Whenever this releases — presuming that it’s within the next year or so — there probably won’t be more than a few million Xbox Ones on the market. Even if the Halo series is free to Live subscribers, it won’t have the massive views of the Forward Unto Dawn live action web series, since it won’t be leaving the confines of the new box. And not everyone is a Halo fan. Will it get enough views beyond the dedicated Halo following?
2) How Spielberg is involved is anyone’s guess, though it’s more than likely not in much more of a role than having his name slapped alongside it, much like the recent Transformers films. He was a part of those, too, remember?
3) How quickly will these appear on Pirate Bay after becoming available to the Xbox One owners? One hour, or two?
I presume we’ll hear more in the coming months, or years. These kinds of things never seem to work out how we want them to. I’m still waiting for the fabled Blomkamp/Peter Jackson halo series that would have REALLY been awesome.
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