New Game of Thrones season 3 trailers make us SO EXCITE

New Game of Thrones season 3 trailers make us SO EXCITE

In just two weeks we’ll be back in the world of Westeros as lions and dragons and wolves fight over a shattered country. HBO has released two new teaser trailers for the upcoming Season 3 of Game of Thrones: “War” and “The Beast”. “War” (above) focuses on the struggle between the factions of the world.

“The Beast” (below) centers on man as a carnal animal, where murder and cunning viciousness take precedence in survival. And, when we think about what is coming this season — OH MY GOD I WISH WE COULD TALK ABOUT IT — survival seems like a fitting theme.

Game of Thrones returns on March 31st.

If you need a recap of Seasons 1 and 2, watch this HBO-produced 10-minute refresher below.