In the latest step of THQ’s bankruptcy filing, the company has been delisted from the NASDAQ stock exchange, reports Gamasutra. This isn’t another unexpected cataclysm for the beleaguered publisher, just another part of the bankruptcy process. THQ has been taken off the NASDAQ listings on the literal exchange floors, but its stocks are still able to be traded electronically and over the phone, with the new listing of THQIQ. Gamasutra notes that if THQ’s bankruptcy plan is approved by financial courts, the company will become privately owned and will cease to be listed anywhere at all.
[Source: Gamasutra]
Connecticut Town Planning to Destroy Violent Games

A Connecticut town is planning to host a “Violent Video Games Return Program,” this month where citizens can turn in video games and other media so they can be destroyed, Polygon reports While this may sound absurdly reactionary and boneheaded, the event’s organizers claim they have only the best intentions.
“We’re suggesting that for parents who have a child or children who play violent video games, to first of all view the games. We’re asking parents to better understand what their child is doing. Have a conversation about next steps. If parents are comfortable (with their child’s gaming habits), we’re comfortable.”
The event organizers, SouthingtonSOS, a collection of town officials and charity organizations from Southington, Connecticut, stress that they do not intend to suggest video games were the cause of the recent massacre in Newton, Connecticut, and also smartly notes “factors including inadequate gun control laws, a culture of violence, and a recreational culture of violence.”
Still, even if they seem to recognize the negative undertones of destroying a type of media, as well as avoid blaming it entirely for the world’s problems, we can’t help but think there’s some other way to accomplish the goal of starting a conversation that doesn’t seem so vaguely fascistic.
[Source: Polygon]
Fake The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Fools Everybody, Even Activision
A fan made trailer for The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, Activision’s FPS based on the AMC television show made the rounds on the internet today and managed to fool everyone, even Activision employees, into thinking it was legitimate. The video is from an account named TWDSurvivalInstinct with a link to what appears to be an official Facebook page, but which is also apparently a fake. It was actually assembled from footage shown in an IGN interview with the game’s developer. The trailer seemed real enough for Activision Community Manager Dan Amrich to link the video on his blog and then issue an update apologizing for being bamboozled. It’s kind of a shame that the only thing that’s real about this whole thing is the gameplay footage itself, because it looks like absolute shit.
[Source: Youtube, One of Swords]
Zeno Clash 2 Screenshots and Release Window Outed

Destructoid reported today that Carlos Bordeau, lead designer for Zeno Clash 2, revealed a bunch of new screenshots and a Spring 2013 release date for the game. Zeno Clash was one of the strangest and most bizarre games of the last few years, and the sequel doesn’t seem to show any sign of moving away from that.
[Via: Destructoid]
[Source: Zeno Clash 2]
The Ryan’s Den

Have a nice holiday everybody? Get everything you wanted for Festivus? Well, if you didn’t the Steam Holiday sale is offering the chance to make up for it with the two GREATEST GAMES OF ALL TIME, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Repbulic 1 and 2, for just $5 total. If you think that’s a hyperbolic statement, then you need to buy those bad boys and play them for yourself STAT.
[Source: Steam]
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