The Evening Report, December 6th, 2012: Steam and the IGF, Tomb Raider, New Media Rights, and Moleyneux

The Evening Report, December 6th, 2012: Steam and the IGF, Tomb Raider, New Media Rights, and Moleyneux

Steam distribution deals for all IGF finalists

As a nice reward for creators reaching the final rounds of the Independent Games Festival in whatever category they happen to be nominated in, Valve is offering the opportunity to accept a distribution agreement with Steam, which will allow the games to be accessed by the large communities on the PC, Mac, and Linux.

While some indie games manage to catch the mainstream success and awareness required to be a truly massive success, this year’s finalists will at least have a leg up — and if it’s reached the finals of the IGF, it’s definitely worth a look.

[Source: Independent Games Festival]


The PA Report digs into “The Scene” from the new Tomb Raider

Remember a few months ago when everybody was foaming at the mouth from statements made by Crystal Dynamics, the developers of the upcoming Tomb Raider reboot, regarding a scene from the game where Lara Croft has to deal with a potential rapist? The PA Report, on a trip to see the game, took a deeper look at the scene in question and talked to experts to discuss the matter.

It’s an interesting read, but the part I found the most interesting was how the consequences of failing any part of “The Scene” is the brutal murder of Lara Croft, which are described and then ignored for the rest of the article.

[Source: The PA Report]


New Media Rights, a free legal advice group has indie developer’s backs

New Media Rights is a group of volunteers well versed in everything the common man doesn’t know, but needs to know when launching a new game, or movie, or anything else and doesn’t have a stable of lawyers to back them up. Having released a massive series of videos covering a wide range of legal advice topics, they’re now turning to the public to reach a goal of $16000 through crowdfunding website IndieGoGo.

Joystiq’s got a look at why you should toss ’em a couple bucks, and how actual lawyers can be total dicks.

[Source: Joystiq]


The Bones Zone

Wanna see Peter Molyneux kill dozens of tiny followers with a massive whirlpool in 22Cans upcoming game GODUS?

Sure you do!