THQ’s Bankruptcy Filing Reveals Unannounced Games

Polygon’s Griffin McElroy has found several mentions of previously unannounced and rumored games in court documents filed for THQ’s bankruptcy procedures, which we covered earlier Wednesday. The documents confirm the existence and development of Saints Row 4 and Homefront 2, in addition to four titles that are either codenames, or yet to be announced games. The four names were “Crawler”, from Darksiders 2 developer Vigil Games, ”Evolve”, a name which was trademarked by THQ in February, from Left 4 Dead developer Turtle Rock Studios, “Atlas” from Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War developer Relic, and finally, “1666” from Assassin’s Creed 2 designer Patrice Desilets at THQ Montreal, which was also trademarked in February. Strangely, though known quantities like South Park: The Stick of Truth and Metro: Last Light are included in the documents, there is no mention made of previously announced, (complete with screenshots!) Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium, the game which was announced as an MMO but later changed to single-player. We’ve reached out to THQ regarding Dark Millennium and will update this post if we get any more information.
[Source: Polygon, THQ Filing]
First 5 Minutes of Bioshock Infinite For Your Viewing Pleasure
Irrational Games has released the first five minutes or so of the upcoming Bioshock Infinite. Why someone would want to have the opening of the game effectively spoiled for them is incomprehensible. After watching the video so you don’t have to ruin it for yourself, you’re welcome, it’s safe to say things are not going to go smooth for protagonist Booker Dewitt. Between an opening quote from a book on “trans-dimensional travel”, boat-rowers that almost completely ignore Booker’s existence, cross-stitched Bible quotes, and some Willy Wonka-esque elevator, it doesn’t look like everything is going to be as it seems in the world of Columbia.
[Source: Youtube]
The War Z Removed From Steam After, Well, Lying

Gamespy’s Dan Stapleton is reporting, just a day after his interview with the game’s executive producer regarding false advertising accusations, that Valve has delisted The War Z from being on sale on Steam, and is even offering refunds. The statement from Valve says that players who already purchased the game and would like to continue playing it, despite its complete lack of promised features, are free to do so, while players who feel swindled can submit for a refund from Valve. Customers who want the full refund should go to this page: https://support.steampowered/com/newticket.php
[Source: GameSpy]
The Ryan’s Den
Hello, dear readers, I just wanted to let you know that there exists, above these words, a video of The Insane Clown Posse discussing the trailer for Les Miserables. Just in case you forgot we live in a universe where anything can happen. According to Violent J, this musical adaptation of what Wikipedia describes as one of the greatest novels of the nineteenth century looks, “straight miserable,” and that, “the freshest thing about the trailer was the elephant’s ass.”
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