What is this mystery coming to ZombiU?

What is this mystery coming to ZombiU?

ZombiU Mystery Message Wednesday
What’s happening on Wednesday???

For those lucky to pick up a Wii U over the last week, Ubisoft’s ZombiU was probably one of their first purchases. The game is proving popular on Miiverse, with an active community of over 15,000 members posting about the game.

The ZombiU dev team is posting messages of their own within the actual game. On several walls inside the game’s zombie-infested London, the team has posted notes about many of the achievements of the game’s players. From the fastest completion times, to average number of survivors used, to the lack of someone being able to complete the most difficult mode with just one survivor, the team is communicating a lot of its interesting analytical data with its fans.

Then the following message popped up yesterday:

If you’re still alive…
Meet here next Wednesday!


Huh. What could that mean? There’s already some rampant speculation within Miiverse as to what this could be. Celebrity zombies? DLC?

Have you seen the message? What are your thoughts?

We’ll find out in less than a week!