Bungie’s Destiny Becomes Clear
IGN recently got their hands on a big ol’ leak about former Halo developer Bungie’s next game, Destiny. The leak, which Bungie confirmed to IGN came from an external advertising agency, includes a short overview of the game’s universe and setting, some ideas about what kind of game Bungie wants this to be, and a lot of concept art. The game will taking place seven hundred years in the future, after mankind successfully expanded beyond Earth and then fell into ruin. Additionally, a massive and mysterious spherical spaceship known as “the Traveler” has come to Earth, evidently with the intention of protecting it from other aliens. Players will take up the role of “knights” to repel and defeat these same invaders. The document also expresses Bungie’s intention to make the universe as accessible and enjoyable as one like Star Wars, broad in both scope and appeal. The document describes the game as “social at its core,” which IGN notes seems to indicate it might be an MMO when considering earlier “jokes” from Bungie. The concept art includes everything from about appear to be snowy versions of Star Wars’ Sand People, to “the Traveler,” to an outpost overrun by jungle. Bungie also responded to the leak by releasing the art posted above, and stating they’d be ready to reveal more soon.
[Source: IGN]
One Reason Why There Aren’t More Women In The Games Industry
Over the last few days, the Twitter hashtag #1reasonwhy has been trending something fierce. The hashtag is all about why there aren’t as many women in the games industry as there really should be. The tweets inside the hashtag are filled with harrowing and heartbreaking stories of awful sexism and abuse. Kotaku collected a lot of these tweets, and also compiled a bunch of tweets to the counterpart hashtag #1reasontobe , which holds stories of why many of those same women still want to be part of the industry. It’s an incredibly important issue that’s sparked some equally important discussion. If you’re reading this, help be a part of the change, make yourself a reason to be.
[Source: Twitter]
Oculus Rift Release Date Pushed Back
The rift between now and the release of the Oculus Rift VR headset technology has gotten a bit wider. Engadget caught wind of the device’s updated Kickstarter page, with an updated release date of March 2013 as opposed to the previously stated goal of releasing before 2012 ended. Everything about the device sounds absolutely super-neato, and considering the only game that currently supports it is Doom 3: BFG Edition, it doesn’t seem like too big a pain to wait for the team to iron out some kinks.
[Source: Engadget]
JGL in the JLA?

(The Dark Knight Rises Spoilers)
Rumors have been swirling around today that Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who starred as Detective John Blake in this summer’s The Dark Knight Rises, would be taking up the cape and cowl to star as Batman in the announced Justice League film. Presumably, these rumors were based off the ending of The Dark Knight Rises, in which (SPOILERS) Bruce Wayne retires from Batmaning and Gordon-Levitt’s character discovers the Batcave. Well, take those rumors with a mine’s worth of salt, because JGL’s representatives told Entertainment Weekly that those rumors are “entirely false.” Pack it up folks, nothing to see here!
[Source: Entertainment Weekly]
The Ryan’s Den
Well folks, the latest DLC expansion for Mass Effect 3 is out, Omega. It’d have use take back the hive of scum and villainy of a space station from Cerberus hands, but I just don’t want anything to do with it. More DLC that takes place before that infamous ending? DLC whose story impact won’t amount to much more than some additional Galactic Readiness points and resources? No way, no sir. It breaks my heart to say it, but even amongst series director Casey Hudson’s tweets about a sequel, I just want this franchise to end.
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