3DS Outsells Vita in Japan 47-to-1
Another one for the “Sony can’t catch a handheld break” category, folks. Gamasutra’s got a blurb detailing the numbers behind this staggering statistic from last week, which includes the fact that the 3DS had the debut of a new Animal Crossing game while the Vita had nothing.
You can check the numbers and get some additional reading in, or sit with me and wait for the Vita to get way cheaper. That $100 price difference might have something to do with it.
[Source: Gamasutra]
Eli Piilonen’s Awesome Looking Stealth Game
Rock, Paper, Shotgun has a look at some test footage from the guy who brought you The Company of Myself, which has you sneaking around procedurally generated apartments and stealing furniture without getting gunned down. As of now the footage doesn’t have proper art for the main character, but it’s fairly easy to get the basic idea.
As for a main character, might we suggest Bender?
[source: Rock, Paper, Shotgun]
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is now on Core Online
Back in August SquareEnix launched an online cloud based gaming service which lets people play games for free, provided they submit to advertising for additional game time. Mini Ninjas and Hitman: Blood Money were already available, and now Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light can be played totally for free.
If advertisements aren’t your thing, you can pay to unlock the games or unlock individual levels.
[Source: Joystiq]
I don’t really know what it is, or what I need to play it, but Google has a new ARG called Ingress.
I want all of that in me. Right now.
[Source: Ingress]
The Bones Zone
So it turns out that DOTA 2 invite I had was a “Spectator Only” invite, meaning I can’t actually play the game. In completely related news, who wants to play some League of Legends? Get at me on Twitter and maybe we can play (read: lose) some games together.
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