Real, Actual 0x10c Footage Surfaces
Last week, we got a glimpse at some very early test footage of Markus “Notch” Persson’s upcoming independent project, 0x10c. Now, we’ve got some footage of the game actually working with actual art assets (okay, so the Team Fortress soldier probably isn’t actually in the game, but it’s real for the most part).
The new footage shows off some more of what Notch is doing in regards to lighting and even gives a glimpse of in-game computer interaction. Sure, it still looks a bit… stark, but remember that this is early footage. Besides, it’s not like Notch has a storied history of rendering beautiful graphics.
You can look forward to me giving 0x10c my “Game of the Forever” award whenever the hell Notch decides to release it to the public.
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Remember Overstrike? That new game from Insomniac, the makers of Ratchet and Clank and Resistance, with that awesome, goofy trailer that looked like it would have a fun and wacky sense of nonsense like the shooters of yore? Well, that game doesn’t exist anymore. Instead, we’re getting Fuse, a third-person shooter about people in drab uniforms shooting other people in slightly more utilitarian uniforms.
Insomniac wants you to take Fuse seriously. That’s why they changed the style and story of the game to something super, duper serious. Presumably, that’s also why they changed the name from “most generic video game title in the world” to “video game title most likely to be mistaken for an energy drink.”
But don’t worry! Today, Joystiq tells us that Insomniac told them that they’re not just making “yet another shooter.” In order to do so, Insomniac Creative Director Brian Allgeier said that they’ve decided to pull from some amazingly untapped sources for inspiration.
“Some of the movie icons we looked towards were Riggs (Mel Gibson) from Lethal Weapon,” says Allgeier. “For Dalton, some of his mannerisms and some of his humor come from that. John McClane (Bruce Willis) from Die Hard as well.”
So… there you have it. Fuse is scheduled to be poured over a football coach somewhere in the world in 2013.
[Source: Joystiq]
Metro: Last Light Ditches Multiplayer
![Metro Last Light Screenshot Metro Last Light Screenshot](
I’m sorry, but I’ve just accidentally eaten your puppy. Wait, actually, no I haven’t. What I meant to say is that Metro: Last Light’s multiplayer component is being dropped by developer 4A Games. But I’ll bet you don’t feel so bad about it after that whole puppy thing, eh?
Wait, you don’t care that Metro won’t have multiplayer? You only come to these sorts of games for the chilling atmosphere, unique setting and interesting characters, none of which has anything to do with being called a racial/sexual/gender-based epithet by a 9-year-old over the internet? Who do you think you are, every person that cares about this game at all?!
Oh. Right. Sorry about the puppy thing then.
[Source: 4A Games]
Hawken Beta Available to Everyone (That Gets into the Hawken Beta)!
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Would you like to play Hawken? I know you would. Who wouldn’t want to pilot some of the prettiest looking mechs this side of the Inner Sphere for the low, low price of just less than any money at all? That’s free, by the way. Hawken is going to be free-to-play when it comes out.
You know what else is free? The Hawken closed beta, starting on Oct. 26 and running on through Oct. 29. You can sign up for your chance to spend no money at all right on the game’s website. If you’d rather not play with those elitist closed beta curs, then you can always wait for the open beta which will happen sometime before the game launches. For free.
[Source: Rock Paper Shotgun]
Steve’s Favorite Hot Video Game Jam of the Right Now
![xcom enemy unknown screenshot xcom enemy unknown screenshot](
God, I love XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Yes, it’s super-goddamn-difficult. Yes, the UI could be a bit snappier. And yes, sometimes the camera thinks it’s being used in a latter-era Tenchu game. None of that has stopped me from playing it from the time that I woke up this morning up until I began writing this post. In fact, it may or may not be responsible for why this article will be going up so late.
This is without a doubt one of the best turn-based tactical strategy games in the last decade or so. Which is saying a whole lot, because as we all know there have just been so many of them recently!
All kidding aside, this will easily be a favorite for game of the year awards across the web, and with good reason. Turn-based strategy has rarely been so rewarding, so tense and so utterly dependent on skill as Enemy Unknown. And I can think of none that manage to integrate each of those facets so flawlessly.
My name is Steven Strom and I love strategy games.
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