Search for Buried Treasure with Borderlands 2’s First Expansion
Gearbox announced Borderlands 2’s first major expansion today, Captain Scarlett and her Pirate’s Booty. The expansion will be releasing on October 16 for $10 across the 360, PS3, and PC, or you’ll get it included in the game’s season pass DLC. The expansion will feature the titular Captain Scarlett along with a new desert wasteland (because who doesn’t want more desert!) and a new sand skiff vehicle, you know, like the things Jabba’s goons used in Return of the Jedi. It’s also reasonable to expect the DLC to feature plenty more groan-worthy double entendres like the title.
[Via: Kotaku]
NPD Report Shows Hardware Up, Software Down, Borderlands Way Up

The NPD Group released their latest report today, which included an increase in “average sales per week” for the DS, 3DS, Vita, PS3 and the Xbox 360 versus the August numbers. Retail console software sales are down year-over-year by 13 percent while PC sales are up 12 percent year-on-year. Meanwhile, Borderlands 2 is up an incredible 234 percent over its 2009 predecessor, but lost out to Madden NFL 13 for the top spot.
[Source: NPD]
[Via: Joystiq]
Darkstalkers Resurrection Bringing Back the Classics
Capcom announced today that Darkstalkers Resurrection is coming to XBLA and PSN in 2013, combining Night Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge and Darkstalkers 3. The collection will be adding HD filtering, replay sharing, achievements, online play, spectator mode, and Challenge/Tutorial modes.
[Via: Game Informer]
Spider-Man is Dead, Long Live Spider-Man
Marvel announced the latest part of the upcoming ‘Marvel NOW!’ re-launch initiative will be the end of Amazing Spider-Man. The soon-to-be 700 issue-strong series will be ending and transitioning to a new issue count with the name of Superior Spider-Man in January. Aside from the name and number, writer Dan Slott will be sticking around, and promises to take ol’ Webhead into darker territory, “He’s not going to be doing things the old Spider-Man way. There will be a new way of doing things. The first story arc is called ‘Hero or Menace?’ I think that pretty much tells you where we’re going.” After losing his first love, having his marriage erased by the devil, and being constantly beaten on by J. Jonah Jameson and supervillains, we really don’t want to think about what awful things will happen to Peter Parker to make him go all grimdark-gritty.
[Via: Comics Alliance]
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