We’re suckers for a good Kickstarter project. We’re also suckers for good Kickstarter projects when they’re created by friends of ours. Katrina Hill, whom many may know from G4 and for her scribbles across the web and in her upcoming book, is teaming up with Brian Allen, Kimmie Britt, James Tyler Cates, and Sybil Vane to create a snazzy-looking new web series.
GAGA — or Gamers and Geeks Anonymous — follows three girls as they join a gaming addiction group. PC games, video games, and board games will be their bane as general geekery takes over slowly. Will they lose their minds? Will they fall deeper into the rabbit hole of D&D? Will they survive chatting about Skyrim?
The premise is pretty cool, and lends itself to the ability to touch on a heck of a lot of the fun stuff that we enjoy every day. It’s actually kind of educational in a way, as the inner-workings of some of the games we play are showcased in a light-hearted setting. The first episode is already online and goes through a D&D match resulting in — well, I’ll let you check it out. Just know that there are wizard hats and Skittles involved. SKITTLES!
This kind of content is always welcome, especially when it’s like watching ourselves in a mirror. I never knew that I asked the kinds of questions that some of the characters asked in the episode, but now I’m not the only one.
It’s always good to see people explore different avenues of bringing gaming into other forms of entertainment, and humor is always always always a positive. That’s why we implore you to check out the team at their Kickstarter project to help them fund editing, rentals, and necessary candy. The goal is to reach $3800 by August 5th, and any extra funds will go towards a second season.
There are a bunch of different tiers for donations, too. Signed postcards, downloadable music, personalized artwork, and even walk-on roles are up for grabs.
And did we mention a dancing dwarf? Yep! Tyrion would be proud!
Check it out here at their Kickstarter page, and show your support!
[Image, link, and video courtesy GAGA]
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