Did you hear? E3 begins in just a couple days. In fact, in about 72 hours we’ll know about tons of new games from Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo, and be drooling over all of them on the show floor. The list of games we already know about is HUGE, and we’ve circled several of them onto our schedules.
Below we’ve listed our most anticipated games of the show based on what we’ve already seen and know about. Included are sequels, new IPs, RPGs, action, adventure, and more. Follow along with us, and let us know in the comments about what YOU are looking forward to!

Pikmin 3 (Nintendo, Wii U)
We don’t know anything about Pikmin 3, apart from the slight remarks that Producer Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo have made over the past year. But we do know that the series is extremely beloved, and the remakes on the Wii have been terrific and well-received. If the game is nothing more than an HD Pikmin with touch screen tablet support, then Nintendo will be satisfying millions of its fans in doing so.
Assassin’s Creed III (Ubisoft – Xbox 360, Wii U, PS3, PC, Vita)
We’ve been chatting about Assassin’s Creed III since we saw it at PAX East just a couple months ago, and it’s been one of our most anticipated games of the year. It’s a change of character, an incredibly detailed setting, and amazing visuals all rolled into one. Add in that we’re dropped right into history taking place during the American Revolution, and the game should be something that AssCreed fans and new ones will be excited about.
The Last Guardian (Team ICO – Playstation 3)
Since 2010 we’ve heard absolutely nothing about The Last Guardian, Team Ico’s climax to it’s trilogy of fantasy art games that included ICO and Shadow of the Colossus. But, we WANT to hear more. We want to SEE more, too. It looked beautiful two years ago, and with the advancement of technology since then we think it’ll look and feel even better.
Halo 4 (343 Industries – Xbox 360)
It’s another Halo game. It’s bringing back Master Chief. It’s going to be fun. What’s more important is that this is the first time that Bungie isn’t involved, and seeing how 343 Industries takes the reigns and handles the series will be the bigger story.
XCom: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis/2K – Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
Though there is another XCom game coming in 2013, this one — Enemy Unknown — maintains the strategy roots of the series. This time, the game comes to Xbox 360 and PS3 as well as the PC, and could be the console strategy game that we’ve all been (finally) waiting for.
Paper Mario 3D (Nintendo – 3DS)
Another game we haven’t heard very much about over the past year or so, Paper Mario 3D was one of the first 3DS games announced. At that time two years ago, fans were excited at the possibilities of seeing the series in a third dimension, especially after the incredibly fun Super Paper Mario was released in 2007. Going portable would be a perfect fit, especially with the Streetpass and AR possibilities.
Darksiders II (THQ – Wii U, Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
The first Darksiders game was compare to the Legend of Zelda both in scope and feel, with the added caveat of it being in 3D in a post-apocalyptic world, and became a critical favorite. The sequel brings Death as the main character, grows the world’s size, and adds in even more compelling story and sidequest elements. Plus, it’s even prettier.
Dishonored (Arkane Studios/Bethesda – Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
With Bioshock Infinite pushed into 2013, that leaves plenty of space for Dishonored to become one of our most-anticipated first person action adventure narratives of the year. The steampunk setting, the swords, guns, and robots, the mystical and religious undertones; it all comes together in an absolutely brilliant package.
Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix – PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
We didn’t know quite what to think about the new Tomb Raider when it was announced last year, mostly because of how different it appeared to be from past installments. However, upon sitting back and scouring over the details we’ve come to accept the latest game as a much-needed rebirth of the series. It’s a departure that paints Lara Croft as a heroine on the cusp of understanding what her fate is, and will undoubtedly lead to an interesting plot and narrative.
Dead Space 3 (Visceral Games/EA – Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
Dead Space 3 was only recently officially outed, and our plasma cutters are already buzzing at maximum strength. The newest entry aims to bring co-op play, all new settings (and ice planet!), and new enemies. Oh, and it’s Dead Space, which means that it’ll scare the pants off of us!
The Last of Us (Naughty Dog – Playstation 3)
Naughty Dog is most well known for their outstanding Uncharted series. Uncharted 2 is one of the best games of this generation, and UC3 is one of the best of the last year. When they announced The Last of Us, a game that mixes the same style of action narrative with zombies, extreme survival, and a lot of tense situations, we were more than blown away.