Halo 4 Internal Beta Leaked
Footage from Microsoft’s internal beta for Halo 4 has leaked its way onto the internet, courtesy of Youtube user Skid Kid and NeoGAF. If you want to see some of the upcoming game’s new features like a longer sprint, new assassination animations, and more, you’ll have to stomach your way through what is probably one of the worst videos on the internet. Amazing that someone could be smart enough to get a hold of an internal beta, but not smart enough to realize filming it with a camcorder on a CRT television while blasting terrible music was an awful thing to do. Thankfully, NeoGAF users also captured some screenshots for the video, otherwise you’ll be better off just watching the video muted.
Ghost Recon: Final Mission and Assassin’s Creed 3 for Sony Vita
The ever resourceful users of NeoGAF have uncovered retail listings from GAME and Zavvi for Ghost Recon: Final Mission and Assassin’s Creed 3 for the Vita. The retailers list Ghost Recon as releasing sometime this year for £34.99, and Assassin’s Creed 3 for €39.55.
[Source: Polygon]

BBC mixes Halo’s UNSC with Life’s UNSC
In a report on the continuing conflicts in the nation of Syria, the BBC accidentally aired the logo of the Halo franchise’s United Nations Space Command, rather than the logo of the real life franchise’s United Nations Security Council. The BBC later released a statement apologizing for the mix-up, essentially saying “these things happen!” The channel also said the mistake was not repeated in later broadcasts, but that didn’t stop those pesky kids on Youtube from catching it.
Kingdoms of Amalur 2 in pre-production, not anymore
Joystiq reports with information from sources close to the situation at 38 Studios and Big Huge Games that a sequel to the company’s only released game, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, was in pre-production. Planned features for the sequel included better graphics and more varied animations, fewer loading screens, and greater impact of the player’s actions on the world. Big Huge Games employees also remarked that they were previously forced to adapt their work in progress when the studio was purchased by 38 Studios and had to change their own IP to match the Amalur world. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely anything like that will happen, given that the state of Rhode Island will soon likely be the owner of all the rights, assets, and other work on the game.
[Source: Joystiq]

DC says Alan Scott, original Green Lantern, is gay
Bleeding Cool is reporting that the character DC previously stated they would be changing the orientation of will be the original Green Lantern, Alan Scott. Bleeding Cool said that “strong sources” at the Phoenix Comic Con confirmed the suspicion that Scott will be reintroduced into DC’s “New 52” universe reboot as a homosexual man. No word yet on what this will mean for any possible return of Scott’s children, the super powered Jade and Obsidian.
[Source: Bleeding Cool]
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