Disclaimer: This post will be full of spoilers. Stop reading here if you haven’t watched the mid-season finale yet.
When the Walking Dead mid-season finale finished airing this past Sunday night, we were left with as many questions as we had answers. One of the major plot lines guiding this season was completed, but the spiderweb of repercussions that emitted out of it left the survivors in an emotional vortex of chaos. Shane has realized that standing still leads to death, Carl nearly died, Glenn found love, and a new group of survivors was met.
The reaction to the finale was just as interesting as what took place. We asked our friends on Twitter to tell us what they felt, and several themes bubbled up to the surface quickly.
The finale did (or didn’t) live up to expectations
Many people (like me) loved the finale for several reasons, mostly because of the drama and tension that finally seemed to come back to the show.
I don’t hate the slow burn of season 2.1 nearly as much now. Great climax, fantastic barn confrontation. Hooked for 2.2.[/box_light]
But, there were others that didn’t feel the same way. Many were perhaps hoping for more of a cliffhanger to leave us on the edge until the show’s return.
I would consider the Walking Dead mid finale a lil bit of a disappointment. Saw the ending as a possibility.[/box_light]
wasn’t the worst episode but not very exciting[/box_light]
Team Shane v Team Rick
There are definitely two “camps” forming within our group of survivors: those that agree with the more passive Rick, and those that lean towards the “actions speak greater than words” mentality of Shane. Shane has especially become more of a focus on the show, becoming the antagonist to Rick, even though they are long-time friends. He seems to signify all that is wrong with the new zombie-filled world, where survival is more important than civility.
Viewers of the show are also taking sides. Is Shane doing more evil than good to the survivors? His methods, although rough, seem to lead to results quicker than those of Rick’s.
dude’s a monster. Crazy is coming out in small doses now, but hints are there it’s going to get very ugly[/box_light]
How is he a villain? Anti-hero is more apt. He’s done nothing wrong in the show. He saved Rick, Carl and others.[/box_light]
Shane makes a good pt. shooting walkers, asking if something alive would still be coming. I feel for Herschel & Carol nonetheless.[/box_light]
idk why everyone hates him, hes just being real! #TeamShane[/box_light]
There are still issues with his character, that will hopefully be resolved in the second half of the season.
First though, however: Why did Shane want to leave so bad, but then open the barn? His character just seems broken.[/box_light]
Daytime Zombie Drama
There’s one thing to be said about the season thus far that everyone can agree on: it seemed to drag on. Perhaps it was to develop characters or the camp schism, or to introduce Herschel properly, or to build up to some earth-shattering revelation; whatever it was, it didn’t seem to work as well as we had hoped, at least when compared to Season 1.
because they are still trying to be a daytime drama[/box_light]
Thankfully, the second half should be better.
Seems like this was the last of the pre Darabont firing episodes, its like they wanted to stop where that storyline was going, and…
wanted to go in a different direction from this point on, expecting the story to change a bunch from here on forward[/box_light]
Whatever the case, the season wasn’t a loss by any means. It was shot beautifully, featuring cities, a giant farm, and lush forests. Strong themes referenced religion and morals moreso than in the first season. There have been a few epic scenes already, such as the herd or the bombing of Atlanta.
Here’s hoping the second half, starting in February, gets back a little more of the tension that was missing so far.
Check out our Random Battle podcast (just 30 minutes!) focusing on mid-season finale.
Also have a look at some great Walking Dead gear that can tide you over until the show’s return.