Australian consumer watchdog Choice have awarded Smurf’s Village a ‘Shonky’ award in their annual effort to highlight the worst products available in Australia. It received the dubious honour following reports that parents let their children rack up hundreds of dollars in bills through in-app purchases for Smurfberries, believing the game was completely free.
The Smurf’s Village is in esteemed company, including underwear infused with green tea to help you lose weight and miracle cure quail eggs.
Will publisher Capcom take heed of this public slamming and create a clearer pricing model for its iOS games? Will they adopt gameplay that is truly free-to-play and not pay-to-win? Probably not, considering the recently released financial reports showing a massive profit in its mobile gaming division, mostly thanks to their new little blue friends.
SideQuesting’s top mathematicians are hard at work trying to convert ‘giant waste of money’ to a Metacritic score.
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